"Heard you were interested in my book collection," Gladio says. "I guess I'll start with the stuff that doesn't have any romance, and then we can move on to the more romantic stuff if that's what you're looking for. Some of these things are kind of dark; I'll leave them for last."

He tosses a few books down in front of you. "Deserving is a story where we're all trying to break out of prison. Known Unknowns is kind of a weird one, where Noct falls down a pit in the Pitioss Ruins. Flash is, uh, a crossover with something called Red Dead Redemption II? Prompto and Ignis end up in some kind of other universe. You Came Into My Life is based on something called Queer Eye; we're all... makeover experts or something? I have no idea who writes this stuff.

"Romance-wise... well, obviously you're gonna be most interested in the stuff that features me." He gestures pointedly at his bare chest. "So there's Education, where Prompto makes the smart decision to ask me for advice on dating, and I end up winning him over. There's Scattershot, where Prompto has a crush on a whole bunch of people, your truly included. Or there's Well, This Is Awkward, where, long story short, me and Prompto and the prince all end up in bed together."

He shrugs. "If you don't have any taste, I guess maybe you're more interested in Prompto and Noct ending up together without me. Life Imitates is a story where everyone assumes the two of them are boyfriends, because, y'know, you would. Only for the Night is about the two of them sharing a bed.

"Then there are the stories about Noct ending up with Ignis. Connection, Duty is a pretty terrible title, but it's about Ignis hearing Noct's voice while Noct is... in the Crystal, I guess? Becoming Strangers is about all of us forgetting who Ignis is. Delegation is kind of dark; it's about Noct coming on to Ignis and Ignis just accepting it 'cause he feels like that's his job, so there's some weird consent stuff going on there. Prompto has a crush on Noct in the background of this one, too, which is pretty standard.

"And then there's the rest of the dark stuff. These ones aren't romantic; they're just kind of messed up. Break is about Noct stabbing Prompto by accident. When the Cockatrice Cries is a horror story where we all start acting weird around Prompto. And Any Moment is probably the darkest thing here; it's about Ardyn holding Prompto captive and just keeping the poor kid terrified.

"If any of this looks good to you, go ahead and check it out. I'm not gonna judge your choices."