"Tales about Clive and his companions?" Harpocrates asks. "Yes, we have a few. Rather an odd selection, throwing the man into bed with all sorts, but hopefully we can find something that suits your needs."

He shuffles over to a nearby shelf and withdraws three volumes, if 'volumes' is the word. They're clearly short stories, so comically slim it's unclear why anyone took the trouble to bind them in the first place.

"The first of these is Talking Strategy," he tells you. "It's about Clive, Jill and the late Cid... ah, making use of the brothel they once had a strategy meeting in, let's say. Not explicit, certainly, but a little scandalous. Clive assures me none of this happened, but I wouldn't put it past Cidolfus Telamon."

He holds up the second book. "Business or Pleasure is about Clive jumping into bed with our very own Lady Charon, if you'd believe that. You might reasonably ask why someone would write such a thing, but here it is on my shelves. There's reference to past dalliances with Cid on both sides, which is perhaps a little easier to swallow; Cid was certainly 'widely slept', as the tale puts it. I warrant a small mention in this one, it seems, albeit not in the most flattering terms."

He turns his attention to the third volume and pauses. "Ah. This one's in rather poor taste. Entirely fictional, of course, but I don't imagine you came here looking to read about incest."

He returns it to the shelf. The title, you've noticed, is Regrets. If you are, in fact, in the market for a story about incest, you could always pick it up yourself, but I can't guarantee you won't be left with regrets of your own.

(In the interest of making sure you know what you're walking into: it's a short Joshua/Clive fic, non-explicit and set when they're both adults. There are a lot of complicated feelings involved, as you might expect. Not a pairing I ever expected to write, but I saw a fic request and thought the concept might be interesting to explore!)