* Okay, I thought this would be a good place to note down my thoughts on popular FFVIII theories, and maybe other aspects of FFVIII fandom culture.


* Wait, what's a FFVIII?


* Don't worry about it.


* I asked you a question.


* Anyway, let's start with the 'Rinoa is Ultimecia' theory. This has been debunked by the game's creators, but as a theory I actually like it a reasonable amount!


* Ultimecia feels very underexplored as a villain; her motives are unclear, and we don't really get an impression of her personality. Suggesting that Rinoa might end up becoming Ultimecia in the future, and is perhaps compressing time in an attempt to reclaim a happier past, is a good way of adding interest to Ultimecia's character.


* I wouldn't say I personally believe in it, but I think it's an interesting idea to explore.


* What is this? Who are you?


* Hi, Squall! ♥


* The other theory you'll often see in discussions of Final Fantasy VIII is the 'Squall is dead' theory.


* I'm glad people are having fun with speculation, but I really, really dislike this theory.


* Wait, Squall is what?? Is Squall okay???


* Squall is fine! That's the whole point.


* The 'Squall is dead' theory suggests that Squall dies at the end of the first disc, when Edea impales him through the shoulder with an icicle, and that the rest of the game is a dying hallucination.


* Squall is surprised to find that his wound is gone when he regains consciousness in D-District prison, which is sometimes cited as evidence that the events after Disc One aren't real. However, Seifer goes on to interrogate him, which suggests to me that Edea used her sorceress powers to heal Squall so that he could be interrogated.


* If I'm permitted to suggest a baseless theory of my own: I like to think Seifer pleaded for Edea to heal Squall, because what's the point of Seifer having his moment of triumph if Squall isn't there to witness it?


* Don't be ridiculous.


* More importantly: I don't like the 'Squall is dead' theory because it makes the entire game less interesting! Why would you flatten three quarters of this game down to 'all just a dream'?


* This sums up my general approach to FFVIII theories, really. 'Rinoa is Ultimecia' makes the game more interesting, so I don't mind it. 'Squall is dead' makes the game less interesting, so I dislike it intensely.


* Also, Squall is my favourite, so he's alive. Solid reasoning, I think you'll find.


* I don't really get it, but I guess I'm just glad Squall is okay.
