Here's the sixth page of my ill-advised teenage effort at retelling Final Fantasy VIII in comic form!

Panel 1: rstl
Card Guy: ...huh?

Panel 2: Card Guy: Oh, hey! My brother gave me these cards, but they're not really my thing. Do you want—

Panel 1: flee!

Panel 2: Card Guy: ...What a strange person.

Inside the elevator:

Squall: heeheeheeheeheeheehee CARDS mweeheeheehee...
Selphie: Woo-hoo! I like elevators!

what a pair they make.

Some of the biro has faded here, on Squall's hair and shoulder. I'm glad the rest of this comic has survived the years, so I can share my teenage masterpiece with you at last.

Squall: (...Ahem. Okay, Squall, think dignified, non-card-related thoughts.) There's the directory.
Selphie: Yay!

Below panel: why must all the females have bare legs? I can't draw bare legs!

I was very seriously tempted to use this DIRECTORY YAY image for the directory page on this website.

Selphie: So, what does the Directory do?
Squall: It tells you where everything is.

Panel 1: Selphie: Ah, I see. Cool.
Squall: It also magically teleports you to wherever you want to go.

Panel 2: Selphie: ...I'm sorry, what?
Squall: What, you don't believe me?

Above panel 1: not looking forward to drawing Raijin

Panel 1: Squall: Watch... you just click on where you want to go...

Panel 2: Squall: ...And you're in the cafeteria. (she's not here. No great loss.)

Squall is being very rude about Selphie here. To clarify, these aren't my thoughts on Selphie; Selphie is great! Squall's just not a fan of having to interact with people.

As I wrote earlier, I was not looking forward to drawing Raijin. I can draw exactly one body type, and frankly 'one' is a generous estimate. I've drawn some lines on his torso in the desperate hope that they will somehow make him appear muscular.

Panel 1: Fujin: ...SEIFER. DRINK?
Seifer: ...I'm fine.

Panel 2: Raijin: Hey, could I have something to drink, ya know? I'd like some water, ya know?

Below panel 2: where'd the weapons go?

Fujin: RAGE! (-kick-)
Raijin: (-kicked-) Owww, ya know?

When I was editing this page to go up on this site, I laughed aloud when I reached this panel. The attempt to portray a kick is just so bad!

Squall: ...what a Disciplinary Committee we have.