Raijin: Oh, hey Squall! Fuu was just going to buy us all drinks – d'you want anything?
Here's the seventh page of my ill-advised teenage effort at retelling Final Fantasy VIII in comic form!
Raijin: Oh, hey Squall! Fuu was just going to buy us all drinks – d'you want anything?
Fujin: IDIOT! (-kick- again)
Raijin: Ow! Hey!
Seifer: Squall, can't you see the Disciplinary Committee is busy? Don't disturb us.
Squall: (...I didn't even say anything, but whatever.)
*ominous running sound*
Seifer: hmm?
Beside panel: Squall really only has the one expression. Also, his head is ridiculously large in this panel.
Zell: hotdogshotdogshotdogshotdogsHOTDOGS—
(just pretend he's running)
An action shot! S-sort of. I'm fascinated by how tall I've made Zell's hair.
You've probably noticed that this page has much fewer panels than the previous comic pages. This is because I love Zell and drew him taking up most of the A4 sheet. If you're curious about the layout, you can see the full page here.
And that's all I've uploaded of this silly thing so far! There's more where that came from. I'm very sorry.