As a reference when looking up lines from the game, I've used LightSoul's Final Fantasy VIII script, hosted at Icy Brian's RPG Page.

To check body language in scenes from the game, I've used Xenomic's walkthrough on YouTube.

The Balamb Garden background images and the image of the Garden Festival site interface are from Reddit user Wimbly_Donner. You can frequently find Wimbly playing Final Fantasy VIII on Twitch.

The Balamb Garden exterior image and the animated character sprites come from Creative Uncut.

The image of NORG comes from The Models Resource.

The screenshot of Garden Square comes from Reddit user MetallHengst.

The screenshot of Missingno was taken by Ash McGowen, who goes by the name Kung Fu Man on Wikipedia. Yes, there's a picture of Missingno on this Final Fantasy VIII website. I promise there's a reason.

Other screenshots were taken by the Steam community. Thank you to the Steam users kujo, Leelah, MiCi462, muggling, sg_epk_jtk93 and thekarelov.