Ah, the secret area. Balamb Garden's famous dating spot. As the 'famous' implies, it's actually not all that secret.

Other than you, Irvine is the only person who appears to be here alone. He's eyeing the other students speculatively. Is he planning to cause a breakup, or is he just hoping that one of the couples might have room for one more? It's not clear.

You're not going to get the opportunity to romance Irvine. This isn't that sort of website. But be assured that, if you did try to seduce him, you'd probably succeed.

If you're interested in my shipping thoughts, this is where you'll find them. To be clear, I'm talking about my shipping thoughts. Mine, the owner of this website's. Not Irvine's. I'm sure Irvine has shipping thoughts. But that's not what you'll find here.