I created this site with the idea that people could just explore it and stumble across things. If you're not in the mood for wandering, though, here's an overview of what you'll find in the different locations!

The entrance hall is where you'll find the updates page and guestbook, and it's the best place to start if you want to explore Balamb Garden on foot.

The infirmary contains general reflections on the game as a whole and my history with it.

The quad contains my diaries from various times I've replayed Final Fantasy VIII over the years. If I write any pages about Selphie, they'll probably end up here.

The cafeteria contains my thoughts on Zell.

The dormitory is mainly for thoughts on Squall as a character, and on the Laguna dream sequences.

The parking lot contains links to other sites.

The training centre contains my thoughts on Seifer and his relationship with Squall, and on SeeD as a mercenary institution.

The secret area in the training centre houses my thoughts on shipping. If I write any pages about Irvine, they'll probably end up here.

The library is where you'll find my FFVIII-related creative projects, such as fanfiction. It also houses information about where this site's assets came from.

The 2F hallway contains my thoughts on Triple Triad.

The ballroom is for thoughts about Rinoa and her relationship with Squall.

The classroom is for thoughts about Quistis, and about the technical aspects of Final Fantasy VIII. It's also where you'll find Garden Square, which is for thoughts about Final Fantasy VIII fan culture.

The headmaster's office is where you'll find information about me and this website.

Finally, the bridge lets you access my thoughts on other Final Fantasy and FF-adjacent games.