Looks like the quad's been repaired at last! If you miss its previous state, feel free to have a flashback.

"Today's concert is called The Webmaster's Final Fantasy VIII Diaries," Selphie announces from the stage. "It's the website creator's notes from times she's replayed Final Fantasy VIII over the years, set to music."

Irvine whoops and applauds from the audience. Other attendees seem a little less confident.

"Who's the webmaster?" Zell calls. "And, uh, what's Final Fantasy VIII?"

"Did she say concert?" Quistis mutters, next to you. "I thought it was just a song. How long does she expect us to stay here? I'm supposed to be teaching."

Selphie hits a chord on her guitar. "Here we go! Let's kick off with the 2008 playthrough, and then we'll follow up with 2013 and 2021."